Chairman of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission receives the financial disclosure from the Governor of the Central Bank

Chairman of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission receives the financial disclosure from the Governor of the Central Bank

The Chairman of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission receives the financial disclosure from the Governor of the Central Bank

The Chairman of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission, Judge Mujahid, received the first financial disclosure from the Governor of the Central Bank, Acting Chairman of the Supreme Economic Committee, Mr. Hashim Ismail. In the meeting, many topics related to the Authority's efforts in prevention, combating corruption, and preserving public funds, efforts and measures to stop any waste, through reforms and evaluation of the regulations of some entities and the efforts exerted in the process of networking the Authority and the necessary linkage with the relevant authorities to conduct an analysis process Financial disclosures.

The Governor of the Central Bank, acting Chairman of the Supreme Economic Committee, explained the support of the Economic Committee for the efforts of the Authority to carry out its legal tasks in prevention and combating corruption.

For his part, Judge Mujahid, Chairman of the Authority, praised the initiative of the Governor of the Central Bank and Acting Chairman of the Supreme Economic Committee to present his declaration of financial disclosure and support for the efforts of the Authority in its tasks.

The Chairman of the Authority also called on those included in the rest of the entities to take the initiative to submit their financial disclosure statements, in accordance with the Financial Disclosure Law in force.

Subsequently, the Chairman of the Authority and the Governor of the Central Bank, Acting Chairman of the Supreme Economic Committee, visited the Information Center at the General Directorate of Information Technology at the Authority and the Center for the Preservation of Financial Disclosure Statements and learned about the progress of their work.

The meeting was attended by members of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Commission:

Dr. Mohammed Al-Ghashem, Dr. Habib Al-Rumaima, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Kamim, Eng. Harith Al-Omari, Dr. Ahmed Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr.

On the part of the Central Bank of Yemen, Brother Khalid Al-Afari, Director General of the Governor's Office, Khalid Al-Sabri, Director General of Legal Affairs at the Central Bank of Yemen

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