The leadership of the Central Bank of Yemen meets the UN envoy at the headquarters
During his meeting with the UN envoy at the headquarters of the Central Bank in Sana'a on Tuesday, 25 Jumada al-Akhira 1444 AH corresponding to January 17, 2023, the Governor of the Central Bank affirmed that the decision of preventing the circulation of counterfeit currency was made to protect the purchasing power of citizens, and that addressing the economic situation is the main entry point for any political solution, and that more The delay in finding fair solutions to this file will complicate matters and cast a shadow over the rest of the files, ensuring the need for approaches and solutions to be based on the rights of the Yemeni people and not to achieve political gains for any party.
He also assured the need for the United Nations's assessment of the economic situation in Yemen to be fair, in order to contribute to finding appropriate solutions that achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people and alleviate their suffering that has been going on for eight years, and indicated that the demands of the national leadership do not include any political goals or gains, rather adopt the justified and fair Yemeni people demands, represented in paying the salaries of state employees, pensions and social security allowances, ending the unjust blockade, and opening Sana’a airport to citizens and tens of thousands of patients and students, as it is Humanitarian rights that should not be put for bargaining.
The governor expressed his disappointment with the approval of the International Monetary Fund last November to grant withdrawal units to the mercenary government, amounting to 300 million dollars, considering that this is the entry of the United Nations into the line of economic escalation, as the IMF is one of its institutions, and is a violation of the policies and systems of the fund in which represented in standing At an equal distance from all parties, affirming that the IMF continuation in granting mercenaries Special Drawing Rights(SDR) will affect its relations with the Central Bank in Sana’a, indicating that these amounts are a right of the Yemeni people, and result from previous contributions paid by Yemen, and they may not be disposed of except for what serves the Yemeni people, considering that IMF bias is an explict contribution in plundering the rights of the Yemeni people and in financing the aggression and war on Yemen.. calling for suspending the decision in order to preserve the rights of the people.
Once again, the governor ensured willingness to work hard with the UN envoy to address the economic situation, on top of which is the payment of salaries of state employees, pensions and social security allowances, and an end to the blockade, affirming the importance of implementing any discussions into tangible practical reality as soon as possible.
From his part, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen expressed his happiness with what he heard of constructive ideas, and the level of response he sensed during the discussions he held with the national side.